Monthly Archives: March 2015



I had the great opportunity to take an art class this past weekend from the art professor at our local University.  Our Art Gallery in town received an amazing government grant to bring quite a few different fields of art classes to our community taught by some very talented local artists.  They had everything from pottery/ceramics to linocut printmaking, silkscreen printmaking, introduction to painting/developing painting skills and drawing with a paint brush (and other things).  I took the art ones and will be taking the drawing ones for the next two Wednesday evenings.  I sooooo thoroughly enjoyed these classes that it honestly wet my appetite enough to want to take MORE art classes!!  I’d love to take the University Art classes this professor teaches at the University, however, they’re on Thursday afternoons and I’m pretty sure my boss wouldn’t like it if I quit showing up for work every Thursday afternoon come this falls classes….lol.

Anyway, we were supplied with a paint medium which is called Gouache (gwash is how it’s pronounced).  It’s unlike anything I’ve ever painted with before.  It’s like an opaque water color…..but not really…..  I struggled with working with it for the most part and kinda made friends with it on Saturday afternoon when we had the opportunity to work on our big pieces of art.  I was on the fence with this one while I was working on it and finally had to quit as I was starting to make marks just for the sake of making marks.  When I got home I actually cut off both edge pieces as it was just too much and I liked it much better.  This is my first completed piece of art I actually love and will probably frame and hang in my house!


It’s very loose and abstract, but I really do like it and I guess that’s what it’s really all about at the end of the day.

Thank you all for your support…..I truly appreciate it more than you know.  As always, I love to read your comments/suggestions.

