Monthly Archives: February 2014

Making the old new again


This is leaving it to the last minute I tell you! !!  I created this for the challenge over on Limor Webber’s FB group.   She challenged us to follow the color challenge over on Lindy’s Stamp Gang blog.   This was an old canvas I’d purchased a few years ago and didn’t like it anymore.   I Gesso’d over it and covered the entire thing in lace and then added a layer of Gesso over the lace.   I used a few different colors of Lindy’s Stamp Gang sprays:  Cheshire Cat Cherry,  T-bird Turquoise, Brushed Nickle, Toto’s Tornado Black.   Some Dusty Attic honey comb cupboard,  some Prima trinkets, butterfly and flowers,  some I Am Roses flowers.   I had fun putting this together.   Here’s what it looks like!


Here’s a few close ups.


IMG_2987 IMG_2986

I’m at a scrapbooking retreat this weekend and hope to get a few cards made tomorrow.

Thanks for popping in. ….I always appreciate it!


Washi Tape-off challenge


It’s been a long time my blog family & friends.  I haven’t felt like coming down to paint for a few weeks now and just this past week came back down to see what I could create.  I sat looking at my supplies the first night and then on Wednesday evening I sat and had a Skype chat with Tracy.  We had such a good chat……one I think I needed very badly.  I had a glass of wine…..she had a cup of tea….you’ll have to ask her why she was drinking tea.  Tracy did have one pretty big revelation while we were chatting and realized I was at my computer while I was talking to her……face to face…….on the computer.  (She should of thought about the whole cup of tea vs the glass of wine… may have been easier to explain the revelation……just sayin’ Tracy)  😉

So, what do you foolishly decide to do when you’re on a Skype call with a good friend and start talking about your stash of Washi Tape and what exactly we’re suppose to do with the stuff??  You agree to a Washi Tape-off challenge of course!!!  Then when you hang up you start to panic and wonder what the heck you were thinking!!! First of all, who agrees to any type of “Art-off’ with Tracy?  Secondly, who agrees to a Washi Tape-off when you’re still not even sure what anyone would use it for?!  Off to Pinterest I went to try to get some inspiration.  Found something I liked and the idea grew and here is it… first Washi Tape-off challenge extraordinaire!!!


I had fun with this page and played with my Faber Castell Gelatos, some India Ink, one of my Crafter’s Workshop stencils with Texture paste and my charcoal pencil.  I bought a stamp at Michel’s in their Dollar bin and had to include it.  “Life’s All About Plan B”.

So, there you have it.  I’m off to watch a couple of YouTube videos.

Thanks so much for coming…..I do so appreciate it.  ❤

