Author Archives: mycraftingtherapyroom

About mycraftingtherapyroom

My name is Yvonne Gebauer and I'm a cardmaker and have just entered the amazing world of Mixed Media and am LOVING it!. I'm a wife, a mother to two grown boys, and a grandmother to 5 amazingly beautiful grandchildren which I have to say is really all it's cracked up to be and more. I work full time and am really starting to think that work is getting in the way of life!! I have a large crafting room and I'm my happiest when I have a group of friends get together in this room and just have a blast. Every once in a while we actually create something! Or, when I get a chance to have one of my grandchildren over to just let them play and create what they want with what I have in my stash.....which is allot. My craft room is my therapy room of sorts. My place to go and just be......

Try it Tuesday #13

Try it Tuesday #13

Hello my blog reading buddies!!  I’m at my cabin for 2 weeks or R & R and loving it!!  It’s been raining off and on for the past three days so I decided today I needed to create!

If you haven’t already checked out my friend Karen Burchill Facebook group called, “All Things Mixed Media: CreativeKady” the you really need to come and check us out.  Here is a link to her page. She does a bi-weekly prompt challenge called ‘Try It Tuesday’ where she gives us a list of 6 prompts to create from.  Here is a link to her YouTube video where she pulls the prompts and gives them to us, Try It Tuesday #13. This is my take on the TIT #13.  I had actually completed it ahead of time with the intention of posting it while I was at the cabin…..but left it at home!  So ya, nothing like doing a challenge twice!

I started by covering my re-purposed flash card with a layer of dictionary pages that had been colored using my left over paint in the foam daubers when I paint with my Dylusions paints.  I can usually cover a few dictionary pages with the left over paint when I’m done with them.  I also used all the odds and ends of pieces that were left over from punching circles, etc.  Here’s what the base looked like when I was finished.


I had my granddaughter pick out her favorite Crazy Bird stamp and I stamped it onto a piece of paper and fussy cut it out.  I laid it down on the card and took a brush and painted around the bird to leave a ‘masked’ image behind on the tag.  I then took the same stamp and stamped it into the space left by the mask so the bird would be on the actual card.  I found a quote, wrote it out on a piece of the colored dictionary page and adhered it to the card.  I painted the insides of the birds eyes to make them pop and outlined the quote and the edge of the card.  All done!!


So, here’s my challenge tag.  Now, to go create something with the grandkids…..wish me luck!

Thank you for coming along.  Until the next urge to write up a blog hits me…..take care my blog family!




Try It Tuesday – #10

Try It Tuesday – #10

I’m sure my blog is having a heart attack right now as it’s been neglected for so long.  Story of my blog life!!  I’m at my cabin for this week on holidays and therefore cannot edit and upload videos, so it’s back to the good old written and picture tutorial!!.  Sandee Setliff……you should probably just quit reading now….this is going to be a long one!  LOL

This will be a picture heavy post as I took progress photos along the way until I can get home and upload the video.

A very good friend of mine who lives in the same small city as I do has a Facebook group called “All Things Mixed Media – CreativeKady”.  Hop on over and join us.  She does a great job and we are a very active group.  She has a challenge she puts out every second Tuesday and it’s centered around 6 prompts.  She draws from the prompt sticks she created (you can find that video here ) and then posts the prompts and the link to her recorded video of pulling the prompts.  Here is the list of this Try It Tuesday:

  1. Use craft paint
  2. Use a napkin
  3. Use a background stamp
  4. Mythological or fairy tale theme
  5. Use salt technique
  6. Use a font you haven’t used before

I decided to do this prompt on my tags I’ve been working on.  I have a box of flash cards Karen gave me when she was sorting through her teacher’s supplies.  I’ve been having so much fun altering them!  I had paper towel I had used to mop up extra paint with and adhered it to the card with Gel Medium. Here is what I started with:


Next I sprayed down the card with some water and added some Red Purple acrylic paint by Amsterdam and them sprinkled some salt on it.  I allowed it to dry, and because I’m not the most patient person, I sped up the process with my heat gun.  You can sort of see the result….not what I was hoping, but I think it’s because of the paper towel background it was on.


And because I can’t waste any left over medium, I sprayed the extra paint with some water and spread it on the craft mat and then wiped it up with a paper towel…..another great background in the making!


Next, I adhered the napkin wings and my fairy girl to the tag using Mod Podge Gloss.  I wanted the wings to have the same gloss as the magazine girl did.


After tearing away the excess napkin and magazine, I outlined the wings with my Unibal Signo White Gel pen.  I love how it just made the wings pop!


And because I never do things in the right order or think ahead to determine what I want the finished product to look like…..I tried to add the background stamp in at this point.  It worked fairly good.  I used a makeup sponge and by gold paint and lightly dabbed it onto my script stamp and added it to the background around my fairy.


Next, I stamped my image onto a piece of tissue paper.  A little stamping trick I learned from Tracy Weinzapfel, always apply ink to your stamp and stamp it off onto a piece of paper.  Ink it up again and repeat onto a scrap piece of paper.  THEN stamp onto whatever you want the finished stamped image to be on.  As she taught me, ink sticks to ink!  So the more times you ink it up and stamp it off (just stamp it off once before re-inking) the better the image will stamp for you.  As you can see from where my pen is pointing, had I stamped that first image onto my tissue paper, I’d of been stamping it again as the one work didn’t stamp out clearly.


I tore out the sentiment as I find a torn edge will blend into the background better than a clean cut edge and I didn’t want the tissue paper to be all that noticeable.  I took my same gold paint and edged the entire card just to finish it off.  The sentiment stamp I used is one I’ve had for a long time and have never used…..ask Karen about that.  I have a few supplies I’ve purchased and have still never used them.  She is helping me get better at using what I have before I purchase more….sort of…


Thank you for coming along with my tag creation.  I’m off to finish the other side of this tag and then I can say I have another one complete!!

As always, I love to read your comments.  I’ll come back and add my YouTube video of this process once I get home and can edit it.


Yvonne.  🙂



The Sky’s the Limit….

The Sky’s the Limit….

How true is that…..the sky truly is the limit as we’re often more limited by our own hesitations/beliefs in ourselves than by anything around us.  I’ve been busy creating so far this year and having so much fun in a couple of groups again.  It seemed I really struggled last year finding a balance between creating art and my family.  My word for 2016 is balance……but that’s a whole other post.

I was over at my art friend, Karen Burchill’s studio this evening and decided to work on my week 3 prompt for the Facebook group called, Journal 52.  Week 4’s prompt is “Explore or Celebrate the full moon in your art journal”.  I was looking through Pinterest and found a couple of quotes that resonated with me and finally narrowed it down to this one.  I wanted to create a night scene with soft, fluffy clouds surrounding the moon.  I used my acrylic paints and started with my Metallic Blue by Artist’s Loft mixed with a tiny bit of my Titanium White by Liqutex Basics and applied the paint to the page with my fingers.  I then outlined the page with my Prussian Blue by Grumbacher.


I then blended it out further with more of the metallic Blue and Titanium White and started to add the ‘moon’ with the white paint.


I wasn’t very happy with the wispy feel so I came in with more of the three colors mixed and smoothed out the background a bit.  I also added some wispy clouds using my fingers with a mixture of the metallic Blue and the Titanium White.  I just ‘tapped’ my fingers on the page to create the ‘fluffs’ in the clouds using the white to highlight the ‘fluffs’.  (Real technical, huh?  LOL)


In consultation with Karen, she suggested I add yellow and that’s exactly what it needed! I added a mixture of the Titanium White with Naples Yellow Hue and filled in my white moon with my fingers.  I also took the yellow out very faintly into the clouds to suggest a yellow moonlight highlight to the clouds.  I then decided the moon needed a bit of shimmer, so I added a layer of Iridescent Medium by Artist’s Loft over the yellow.

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Now it was time for the quote, which I handwrote myself using Karen’s Pocha pen (no idea if that’s what it’s called…..cause that doesn’t look right…


I’m so please with this finished product!  Off to post it to a few of the Facebook groups I’m in.  Till next time friends and please feel free to comment (I love reading comments) and subscribe to get notifications when I post a new blog post!

Much love,


Live, Love, Laugh


Who doesn’t like a little graffiti every now and then?  To be honest, I hate it when property is defaced no matter how good the graffiti artist, unless permission was granted before they created their little piece of art.  What I do love about graffiti is the freedom and talent of these individuals!! Some of them are amazing at their craft and I’d love to see them create on a blank canvas instead of a building or some other form of real estate.  Now, I’m by no means a graffiti artist, however, I do love Limor Webber’s new set she created for Lindy’s Stamp Gang called Neon Graffiti.  The colors are down right amazing and as always, you can never go wrong with the Lindy’s Stamp Gang sprays.  This particular set is a Flat Fabio, so no shimmer at all.

It’s a pretty straight forward page and you’ll have to check out my YouTube video oh how I created it and the journey this page took.  I’m in love with yet another of Limor’s signature spray sets.

So, here is the page.  I don’t have any close up shots of this one, so you only get one photo of this page.


Click here to watch the YouTube video on how I created this page.  There are a ‘few’ layers of spray on this one.

If you don’t already follow me, please click on the follow button or enter you email address in the spot on the right sidebar, then you’ll be notified by email whenever I do a new post.

Thank you so much for spending this time with me.  I look forward to our next visit.  As always, please feel free to leave a comment.  They always make my heart smile and I do my best to respond to each one.

Yvonne  :o)

“Storms make trees” Art Journal page

“Storms make trees” Art Journal page

Hello strangers.  I know I say this often….my poor neglected blog.  ;o)  I’ve been playing allot in my journal and have quite a few pages and canvas’s to catch up on.

This particular page started out with a bunch of very yummy texture.  I was at our cabin in the woods (I just love typing that…lol) and used my wall compound and a palette knife to apply the texture.


I had an initial idea to not cover the entire page with paint….to leave some white space….to have some of the text of the Tim Holtz tissue paper I used show through on the finished page.  Ya, I actually think it’s impossible for me to leave white space….lol.  Check out some of the amazing texture I achieved on this piece!!!


I truly love this page and hope you do as well!  Please check out this link to my YouTube to follow along on my process to create this page.  My Therapy Room.  Here’s the final result!


Thank you for taking the time to join me.  As always, I appreciate your comments and do my best to reply to each one.  Mwahhh.


Mystery Challenge

Mystery Challenge

I didn’t do such a good job of keeping up my end of our 90 day blog everyday challenge…’s been 30  days since my last blog post……my life can slow down anytime now!  lol

I created this page over at a friend Karen Burchill’s house and used my art journal prompt cards.  The start of the mystery!!  You never know what you’re going to pick out of the pile and how it will all fit together on one page!  20150601_203131

I also grabbed my pile of deli paper backgrounds Karen and I had made a few weeks ago to use as my background to start laying down the base texture and color theme for the page.  It turned out to be a pretty cool idea.



Color scheme chosen and some background texture.  Now for the napkins and some stenciling.


I just love the little daisy flower stencil by Crafters Workshop.  It was the first one I’d ever purchased and still pull it out from time to time.  This is where I was trying to find a quote that would  match puzzle pieces……Pinterest here I come!!  Apply Gesso to the fronts of the puzzle pieces and let them dry.


I used some of my Lindy’s spray to color the puzzle pieces and wrote out my quote and adhered them to the page.


Some additional Lindy’s ink spatters and drippage, outlining of the puzzle pieces and some of the elements on the napkins and stencils and I called it done!  Here are some close ups.




I’m quite happy with this page and how it turned out.  Thanks for popping in to check it out!  Always appreciated.  ❤

Many huggsss,


Circle crazy….

Circle crazy….

Day 13!!!  So, my little man and my niece left this morning to head back home.  I’m sure going to miss that little guy!  It didn’t take long for him to steal my heart.


I have another page in my little recipe booklet art journal to share.  This one was a fun technique that I learned in one of Limor Webber Mixed Media Creative Club video tutorials a few months ago and I’ve gone back to it a few times since that time.  I won’t go into allot of detail as it was a paid class.   I do love the layers on this piece and the couple of Izink colors I have really pop on this page.  That Yellow is to die for.

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There it is…..short and sweet.  No journaling on it,  I’m hoping to be able to find time to blog this weekend…..that is the plan!  I’m sure with three of my grandbabies up there I should have no shortage of things to blog about.

Till tomorrow.



Here are my friends 90daysofblogging blogs!!

Donna McCurry

Sandee Setliff

Donna Leuders

Sandy Beach

Sharon Estes



Day #12.  This was the last evening with my niece and her little guy.  He’s such a sweetheart and I’m going to miss them both!!  He’s such an easy kid to have around.  I snuck some snuggles and  pictures in and even got a bit of a smile….blurry picture of course….but it’s a smile!!

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I’ll get more snuggles with this little man in Sept…..although he’ll probably be walking by then and I’ll have to chase him down to get the snuggles.

The page I’m going to share today is one I did last year and was the first page I created in my little recipe booklet art journal.  It was my first kick at the can at trying to do a collage with magazine images.  I colored the background with acrylic paints and then started to pick out my images and finishing them off with some doodling.  This was a fun page to do and I quite liked it when it was all done.  Added some background stamps and some scribbles.  Did some shading with my Stabilo All pencil….



Even put a UPC symbol on the page….lol.  Some punched circles from one of my magazine pages.  There’s allot  going on with this page!!


It’s funny, when I look at this page I remember choosing the words and phrases to go on it and thinking they’d be my mantra.  To be “Extraordinary Everyday”.  That I was an “Inspiring Artist”.  I’d like to think I”m “Strong”.  I put a “piece of myself” in every creation I make.  And often, my page will “set the mood” for whatever I’m going through at that time.  Do I hit the mark everyday…..depends what my inner critic is telling me.  Sometimes I feel Extraordinary….sometimes not so much.  I think I’ll always be an Inspiring Artist….lol.  And I’m probably Stronger than I think.  Pretty fitting cover I think.

Okay, that’s it for today.  We’re headed off to the cabin this weekend with our oldest and his family so I’m thinking I should have lots to blog about this weekend.  Until tomorrow…..peace out!



Please check out what my friends on this blogging journey are up to today.

Tamiko McCurry

Sandee Setliff

Donna Leuders

Sandy Beach

Sharon Estes



Day #12.  This was the last evening with my niece and her little guy.  He’s such a sweetheart and I’m going to miss them both!!  He’s such an easy kid to have around.  I snuck some snuggles and  pictures in and even got a bit of a smile….blurry picture of course….but it’s a smile!!

20150513_213143     20150513_213226    20150513_213234

I’ll get more snuggles with this little man in Sept…..although he’ll probably be walking by then and I’ll have to chase him down to get the snuggles.

The page I’m going to share today is one I did last year and was the first page I created in my little recipe booklet art journal.  It was my first kick at the can at trying to do a collage with magazine images.  I colored the background with acrylic paints and then started to pick out my images and finishing them off with some doodling.  This was a fun page to do and I quite liked it when it was all done.  Added some background stamps and some scribbles.  Did some shading with my Stabilo All pencil….



Even put a UPC symbol on the page….lol.  Some punched circles from one of my magazine pages.  There’s allot  going on with this page!!


It’s funny, when I look at this page I remember choosing the words and phrases to go on it and thinking they’d be my mantra.  To be “Extraordinary Everyday”.  That I was an “Inspiring Artist”.  I’d like to think I”m “Strong”.  I put a “piece of myself” in every creation I make.  And often, my page will “set the mood” for whatever I’m going through at that time.  Do I hit the mark everyday…..depends what my inner critic is telling me.  Sometimes I feel Extraordinary….sometimes not so much.  I think I’ll always be an Inspiring Artist….lol.  And I’m probably Stronger than I think.  Pretty fitting cover I think.

Okay, that’s it for today.  We’re headed off to the cabin this weekend with our oldest and his family so I’m thinking I should have lots to blog about this weekend.  Until tomorrow…..peace out!



Please check out what my friends on this blogging journey are up to today.

Tamiko McCurry

Sandee Setliff

Donna Leuders

Sandy Beach

Sharon Estes

Enjoy Every Moment……art journal style.

Enjoy Every Moment……art journal style.

Day #11.  This is the page I was going to blog about yesterday…..and then got sidetracked with grandbabies and great nephews….which I would take any day….lol.  They all just had so much fun together.  :o)  ❤

This is a page I did some time ago and just never got around to blogging about.  I created it when I was down visiting Limor Webber in Edmonton on weekend last September.  We had so much fun that weekend….lol.

I had a chance to play with some of her Dina Wakely paints which were fun and I loved the bright vibrant colors!  I used a bubble stencil…..some Faber Castell Whipped Spackle, background stamps and a saying off a piece of scrapbook paper I’d found at one of the stores while I was there.



Gotta love a good charcoal pencil and some ink splatter to finish off a page.  ;o)

Here’s the completed page….


I really love the colors in this page…..I’ll have to remember to put these together again one day.

Thanks again for dropping by.  Comments are always appreciated.  🙂



Here are my peeps who are also along for this 90 days of blogging experience.

Tamiko McCurry

Sandee Setliff

Donna Leuders

Sandy Beach

Sharon Estes