Category Archives: Misc

Pay It Forward 2014!!!


Pay It Forward 2014


On one of the blogs I follow called Sparkle Tart by Kate Palmer, she had a post for the Pay It Forward 2014 the other day.  The whole concept behind it is based on the movie Pay It Forward.  This is one of my all time favorite movies and I was happy to be part of Kate’s 5!!  So, how does this work??  Well, let me share with you!

The first five people to comment on this blog post, that have agreed to play along, will receive sometime throughout this calendar year a random gift from me.  Now it could be craft related…..or stationary related….who knows what I may come up with!!!

I’m not going to share with you when I’ll be sending it…..or what I’ll be sending.  This is open to anyone, no matter where you live.


If you decide to participate, you MUST make this same offer on your blog, Facebook page  or other social media and randomly send a gift to five other people.

  • If you are one of my  first five people commenting, I will need to ask for your postal address – I will post the list of my 5 people as soon as I have them.
  • If you are on the list you will need to email me your address –  please DO NOT post it here on my blog for the world to see.
  • If you’re not going to follow through and send five gifts of your own, then please don’t comment as it’s not fair to others.
  • This is supposed to be fun, and give us a treat in the mailbox instead of just bills and junk mail.
  • No I am NOT collecting your email and postal address for evil purposes, I will ONLY be using the information to post your surprise!

Sooooo my wonderful blog family………who’s in?!  This is going to be fun!

On your mark…..get set…..GO!!!!!


Yvonne  :o)

Do you know?


Hello to  my wonderful blog family.  This is a little bit of a different blog post today.  It has nothing to do with anything creative…..but has everything to do with the health of you and your family.   I know, pretty heavy subject…..but just bear with me. Have you ever thought about what’s in the everyday products you use each day and how they’re harming you and your family?  Do you really know what you’re using?  You’ll be very surprised.  Read this article – it’s a bit of a read, but trust me, it’s information every household should be aware of and I don’t often ask you to do this on my blog…  So, if anything…..humor me. 😉 


Here’s WHY thousands of people every month are SWITCHING STORES…read this and let me know if you’d like to switch where you do your shopping.  I have an alternative you will love.

Environmental Protection Agency
studies have shown that indoor air pollutants are
3 to 70 times higher than outdoors.

The following information came from a conference call with Kay Heizer, Director of “Healthy Choices” (a non-profit organization comprised of doctors, nurses, environmental scientists and educators committed to teaching the public about the hazards of chemicals in our home and how we can avoid or minimize the risks):

50% of all illness is due to poor indoor air quality[Source: 1989 State of Massachusetts Study]

Since 1950, at least 70,000 new chemical compounds have been invented and dispersed into our environment. Only a fraction of these have been tested for human toxicity. We are, by default, conducting a massive clinical toxicology trial, and our children and their children are the experimental animals. [Source: Herbert L. Needleman, M.D., Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Raising Children Toxic Free]

150 chemicals found in the home are connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders.      [Source: Consumer Protection Agency (CPA)]

The United States of America Federal Code of Regulations exempts manufacturers from full labeling of products if used for personal, family or household care.  [Source USA FCR: Section 1910.1200C, Title 29, Section 1500.82 2Q1A]

3 groups of people are primarily affected by indoor chemical concentrations because they spend more time indoors and their immune systems are weaker. The 3 groups are: Infants and Toddlers, Chronically ill and the elderly. [Source: 1988 EPA, 5-year study]

In 1901, cancer was rare: 1 out of 8,000. Since the Industrial Revolution, the cancer rate today has risen to 1 in 3 and by the year 2002, it will be 1 in 2.[Source: The American Cancer Society]

The top 6 cancer-causing products in the average home include the following:

  1. Johnson and Johnson Baby Powder w/talc,
  2. Crest tartar Control Toothpaste
  3. V05 Hair Conditioner
  4. Clairol Nice-n-Easy Hair Color
  5. Ajax Cleanser
  6. Lysol Disinfectant

[Source: The National Cancer Prevention Coalition]

Liquid dish soap is the leading cause of poisonings in the home for children under the age of six (over 2.1 million accidental poisonings per year). Most brands of liquid dish soap contain formaldehyde and ammonia

Of the chemicals found in personal care products: 884 are toxic, 146 cause tumors, 218 cause reproductive complications, 778 cause acute toxicity, 314 cause biological mutations, 376 cause skin and eye irritations  [Source: United States House of Representatives Report, 1989]

Out of 2,435 pesticide poisonings in a one-year period, over 40% were due to exposure to disinfectants and similar cleaning products in the home.           [Source: State of California Study]

Just by reducing (not eliminating) environmental carcinogens alone, we would save at least 50,000 lives taken by cancer annually.          [Source: Dr. Lee Davis, former advisor to the Secretary of Health]

Most laundry detergent contains a form of NTA. NTA is a substance we may reasonably anticipate to be a carcinogen [Source: The Merck Index]

Household bleaches which claim to disinfect are classified as pesticides under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act. Inadvertently mixing bleach with other cleaners that contain ammonia produces a toxic chloramines gas. These toxic gases can cause coughing, loss of voice, a feeling of burning or suffocation, and even death. Chlorine bleach has been banned in Germany.  [Source: Guide to Hazardous Products Around the Home, Household Hazardous Waste Project, 1989]

Women who work in the home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women who work outside of the home [Source: 17- year EPA study]

150 chemicals found in the home have been connected to allergies, birth defects, cancer and psychological disorders. [Source: The Consumer Protection Agency)

As more toxic chemicals have been introduced to our everyday environment in greater amounts over the last 20 to 30 years, the level of toxins stored in adipose tissues (fat cells) of our bodies have risen. Bioaccumulation studies have shown that some toxins store in our bodies for life. Greater and greater amounts are being stored at younger ages. One study showed that in the fat of 100% of the people tested was 1,4-Dichlorobenzene, a chemical found in most household deodorizers and room fresheners.

Diseases that used to occur later in life are now appearing at younger ages. Diseases that used to be rare are more frequent. For example:

There has been a 28% increase in childhood cancer since the addition of pesticides into household products.

– Cancer is now the #2 killer of children – second only to accidental poisonings. Since 1977 the rate of cancer among American children has been steadily rising at a rate of nearly 1% each year.          [Source: National Cancer Institute]

– There is an increased risk for leukemia in children where parents have used pesticides in the home or garden before the child’s birth.        [Source: Journal of the National Cancer Institute]

Some products release contaminants into the air right away, others do so gradually over a period of time. Some stay in the air up to a year. These contaminants, found in many household and personal care products can cause dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions, eye/skin/respiratory tract irritations and some cause cancer.[American Lung Association]

Asthma was once a very rare disease. Now the condition is extremely common – the asthma rate has tripled in the last 20 years with nearly 30 million Americans currently afflicted. [Source: Consumer Federation of America, 1997]

In one decade, there has been a 42% increase in asthma (29% for men, 82% for women). The higher rate for women is believed to be due to women’s longer exposure times to household chemicals. [Source: Center for Disease Control]

Childhood asthma has increased by more than 40% since 1980. [Source: Environmental Health Perspectives, June 1997; 105 (6)]

Asthma death in children and young people increased by a dramatic 118% between 1980 and 1993.[Source: Environmental Health Threats to Children, Environmental Protection Agency 175-F-96-001, September 1996]

The average child visits the doctor 23 times in the 1st 4 years of life, with the most common complaint being respiratory ailment.[Source: National Center for Health Statistics, 1997]

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in adults and children is also rising – in 1993, 4.5 million children took the drug Ritalin so they could sit still long enough to learn. By 1998, 11.4 million children were being drugged with this powerful Class-2 narcotic.[Source: Your Children and Ritalin, The Detroit news (March 8. 1998)]

Even small doses of neurotoxins, which would be harmless to an adult, can alter a child’s nervous system development. [Source: Environmental Health Perspectives 106 Supplement 3:787-794 (June 1998)]

Developing cells in children’s bodies are more susceptible to damage than adult cells that have completed development, especially for the central nervous system. During the development of a child, from conception through adolescence, there are particular windows of vulnerability to environmental hazards. Most disturbing – until a child is approximately 13 months of age, they are virtually no ability to fight the biological and neurological effects of toxic chemicals.       [Source: Herbert L. Needleman, M.D., Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., Raising Children Toxic Free]

Today, children have chemical exposures from birth that their parents didn’t have until they were adults. Because children are exposed to toxics at an earlier age than adults, they have more time to develop environmentally triggered diseases, with long latency periods, such as cancer. [Source: Environmental Policy and Children’s Health, Future of Children, Summer/Fall 1995; 5(2): 34-52]

Formaldehyde is a highly toxic substance. It is a known cancer-causing agent. It damages the neurological connectors in the body. It is an irritant to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs and may cause:

Skin reactions, ear infections, headaches, depression asthma, joint pain, dizziness, mental confusion, nausea, disorientation, phlebitis, fatigue, vomiting, sleep disturbances and laryngitis.

One in five people are sensitive to formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is commonly found in:

drugs, mouthwash, hairspray, cosmetics, cleaning products, perfumes, waxes, hair setting lotions, shampoo, air fresheners, fungicides, fingernail polish, floor polishes, dry cleaning solvents, toothpaste, laundry starch spray and antiperspirants……just to name a few


Due to the increase in toxic buildup in our bodies, including the toxic buildup of formaldehyde, dead bodies are not decomposing as fast as they used to.

Bodies now start to decompose within 7 to 10 days after death.

During the Vietnam War, Vietnamese bodies started to decompose within 24 to 48 hours. However, Americans didn’t start to decompose for 4 to 5 days.

Twice as much formaldehyde was needed to embalm a person 20 years ago compared to today.

How many of these names would you have recognized as formaldehyde?

Formalin, Methanal, Methyl Aldehyde, Methylene Oxide, Oxymethylene, Bfv, Fannoform, Formol, Fyde, Karsan, Methaldehyde, Formalith, Methylene Glycol, Ivalon, Oxomethane, Formalin 40, Formalin, Formic Aldehyde, Hoch, Paraform, Lysoform, Morbocid, Trioxane, Polyoxmethylene.

The following products are just a few that are so toxic that they should be disposed of in a toxic waste dump:

Floor care products, furniture polish, window cleaners, bug spray and nail polish remover. [Source: Water Pollution Control Federation]

Warning labels on containers refer only to toxic hazards from ingestion; however, only 10% of health problems from chemicals are caused by ingestion. 90% are caused by the inhalation of vapors and absorption of particles.

Government regulations require that only the most EXTREMELY toxic substances must contain a warning label. Labels that say the following should be removed from your house immediately:

“Do not induce vomiting”

“Corrosive – rinse from skin immediately”

“Harmful or fatal if swallowed”

“Call physician immediately”

“Warning!” (may mean that as little as 1 teaspoon of product can harm or kill adult)

“Danger!” (means that as little as 5 drops can harm or kill an adult)

Phenol is an extremely caustic chemical that burns the skin. Absorption of phenol through the lungs or skin can cause:

central nervous system damage, pneumonia, respiratory tract infection, heart rate irregularities, skin irritation, kidney and liver damage, numbness, vomiting and can be fatal.

Phenol is a very common chemical and is regularly found in the following common products:

air fresheners, aftershave, bronchial mists, chloroseptic throat spray, deodorants, feminine powders and sprays, hair spray, decongestants, mouthwash, aspirin, solvents, acne medications, antiseptics, calamine lotions, detergents, furniture polish, lice shampoo, polishes, cold capsules, all purpose cleaners, aerosol disinfectants, anti-itching lotions, cosmetics, disinfectant cleaners, hand lotions, lip balms, sunscreen and lotions, insecticides, cough syrups                    … just to name a few



So, there you have it.  A lot of information, but I honestly believe it’s critical information.  Like the article says, we have more disease now than we’ve ever had. 

If you’re interested in finding out more about alternatives, let me know and I’d be more than happy to share with you what I’ve found. 

Luv and huggss,

Yvonne  🙂

You Can Do It!!


Hello my little blog family…..two posts in one week??!!  Just in case you’re wondering, no, I did not make a New Year’s Resolution to keep up with regular posting (although I’d like to find a way to become more consistant….lol).  I have my mom here visiting and we’ve been on a card creating binge right now and I’m just having so much fun!!  I have a few cards done and will try to post each one of them over the next few days…..we’ll see how that works out…

You’ve seen me talk about the gals over on Splitcoaststampers every now and again.  Well, one of the ladies has started a new challenge thread called You Can Do It!! This challenge will be hosted by anyone joining the group that wants to host and has an idea for a technique, card sketch, color combo, embellishment idea……etc.  The person hosting for the week will give the group a challenge and we can either participate or not each week and make a card according to the challenge she put out there.  You can even go back to previous challenges and do them if you want instead of the challenge for that week.  We’re a pretty laid back group and have a ton of fun!!  The very first challenge was to make a card using a hand-made flower of any kind.  And this flower didn’t have to be hand-made by yourself, it could be one that someone else made for you too!!  I ended up doing two cards for this challenge.


Check out that beautiful crochet flower!!  My mom crochet it for me…..did three different flowers so I decided to stack them to make one gorgeous full flower!!  I attached them all together with a brad from the Stampin’ Up! set of Antique brads and just love it.  She also showed  me how to do the double embossing technique on one card front…..very cool.  I love my newest embossing folder from Stampin’ Up! called Fancy Fan Folder.  It’s the one on the top of the card.   I’d love to find a die cut with that pattern on it.   And how about that lace…..OMGosh!!  I got it through a Facebook Destash your Stash site where people go on and create an album with all the supplies they want to purge out of their craft space or in some instances, stores, and are given a date and a one hour time slot to sell their stuff!  I just love this lace and got it for a song!  My Congratulations sentiment stamp is from one of my favorite sets from Hot Off the Press called Tiny Words & Images onto one of my tags from my Spellbinders Fancy Tags set.


I’m going to get her to teach me how to make these before she goes home so I can pump some of these babies out too.  🙂  I don’t know that I’d ever try to duplicate the lace though.

The second card I made I used one of my favorite Cricut cartridges from Close To My Heart called Art Philosophy.  It has about 6 different rolled flower die cuts to choose from and I love making these flowers!!  I also used my new Memory Box Elegant Scrollwork die cut I got from my mom for Christmas.  I’ve been wanting that die cut for a while now and just love using it!  I use 4 of them on this card.  I took two of them and flipped one over and then attached the ‘bottom’ of them together to make the sort of fan shape with them.  I did the same thing again and just turned it upside down too to mirror the top one.  Clever now, aren’t I??!!!  🙂


All I can say is thank goodness for glue pens cause that’s a very narrow die cut!!!  The leaves were punched out using my pocket leaf punch from Creative Memories.  The sentiment is a Hampton Arts stamp from the $1.50 bin at Michael’s.  I love those rolled flowers and this is the first time I used patterned paper to cut them out and I really like them!  Here’s a close-up of the beauties….



That’s it for today.  I’m off to go play some more with mom.  Later ladies!!


Yvonne  🙂













Graphic 45 A Ladies Diary padfolio


Hello to my little blogging family.  I have a very cool post for you today!  I made a very cute little padfolio using my September kit from Scrapn’ With Flair.  I contains papers from Graphic 45 A Ladies Diary and is gorgeous!!!  This padfolio was made following a YouTube video made by a wonderful lady by the name of Shannon Green.  You have to go and check out her video’s…..she makes the most amazing journals and has some of the best tips and tricks!!  Here’s a link to part one of the video for this padfolio:  Shannon Green.  You can find part two in her video listing.  Check it out!!

The pen slides through a little slot and this is what keeps the book closed!  Check out the I Am Roses roses that came with the kit along with the skeleton leaf (except for the gardenia which was included in the July kit).  And that wide eyelet lace along the bottom…..OMGoodness!!!  It is simply beautiful and also comes in the kit.  You’ll have to check out the YouTube video to see how I altered the pen to match the padfolio…..very cool.

Check out the two pockets on this page…..the one at the bottom and the triangle at the top is also a pocket!!  The sticker is from the kit along with the little I Am Roses cherry blossoms.  The sting of half-back pearls and the lace on the bottom pocket are from my own stash.  I included a piece of cardstock (8.5 x 11 folder in half) as one of the inside pages!

On this page I added the file tab from the sticker sheet included in the kit.  There is another pocket on the bottom of this page that’s been trimmed with lace from my stash along with the last of my half-back pearls from my July kit!

 This page has a diagonal pocket on it.  You can also see another file tab attached to this page.  The lace is again from my stash and I included one more of my I Am Roses cherry blossoms to this page.   You can also see another piece of my cardstock from my stash as a page insert in the second section of the padfolio. 

Here’s the last page of the folio.  It includes a pocket that has room to fit a note pad in it!  I also attached one of the chipboard diecuts included in the kit that has a piece of lace tied to it from my own stash.  There is also another strip of lace from my own stash along the top of this pocket.

So, there you have it!  My completed padfolio. 

Here’s my YouTube video of the whole project here:

I’m off to continue with the cleaning/organizing/purging of my craftroom where I’m trying to figure out why on earth I’ve kept and accumulated soooo much stuff!!!  As always, I love to hear what you think……till next time!!


Yvonne  😉

Cards, cards and more cards!!


Hey there my blogging family!  I was at our cabin for a few days last week and decided it was time to make some cards again…..I had a blast!!  One of these days I’ll figure out how to do the delayed blog post thingy so a new post comes up every day or so……but ya, that’s not going to happen today, so I’ll just put them all into one post…  The paper and most of the embellishments used on these cards were all purchased from Leanne’s store called Scrapn’ With Flair…..check it out….she has great prices!!

Have I mentioned how much I love my I Am Roses roses???  I really like how this card turned out and love the shabbiness of it (is that even a word??  lol).  I used papers from the BoBunny Country Garden line and the Weathered design.  I love this paper line and had such a hard time cutting into it!!!  It’s so crazy, but I feel like I have this hoarding vault full of all my favorite stuff and I never want to use it…..soooo silly!!.  I used a strip off both sides of the paper for this card and covered the seam with a piece of lace I found at our local Thrift Store…….I LOVE that store!!  I’ve got so much stuff from there for just a few dollars, it’s crazy!!.  I distressed the edges with my Tim Holtz distress tool and then inked the edges with my Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Weathered Wood… of my favorite inks.  I attached a butterfly from a package from Close To My Heart and then grabbed my Gesso and randomly applied some to give the card an old weathered look.  It doesn’t show in the picture, but I applied some of my Close To My Heart Liquid Glass to the two colored butterflies on the paper……I really love how that stuff just adds to the dimension on a card!

So…….how ’bout this one…..very mixed media…..I really like it.  It’s not for everyone, but  I’m really having fun with the whole mixed media world lately.  For this card I started with a Kraft cardstock base and then layered on paper from the BoBunny Timepiece line and the Country Garden line.  I tore the layers and then distressed the edges with my fingernail and inked them with my Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Vintage Photo…..another one of my go-to favorites!  I used my Stampin’ Up! Scallop Trim Border punch, some burlap pieces and some jute twine.  The butterfly is from the 12 x 12 Chipboard add-on to the BoBunny Country Garden line and it has a bunch of very cute elements to be used!  I took my texture paste and randomly smeared it over the card and burlap and then added a bit of white Gesso to the top of it to give it more of a white look.  Once I was all done with the card I grabbed my Tsukineko Goosebumps Clear Texture Spray and gave the whole front of the card a spritz with it……it leaves a very cool raised texture to the card front once dry.  Along the left side of the card there is also half a doily pasted on that’s been spritzed with some of my Lindy’s Stamp Gang Flat Fabios (sooooo love these spritz’s!!!) in Caribbean Blue, Luscious Lime and Mango Mania.

This is more of a traditional card I made for the Alphabet Challenge on SCS.  The letter for this week was C.  I used the BoBunny Timepiece paper and then took my stamps from a new set made by “darkroom door” called Tick Tock.  I stamped all three clocks onto cardstock using my Rich Cocoa Memento Ink, distressed the edges with my Tim Holtz distress tool and inking the edges with my Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Vintage Photo.  I also inked the entire edge of the card base with the Vintage Photo as well.  I added some of my Close To My Heart Liquid Glass to the edges of two of the clocks and to the swirls on the card front.  The sentiment is also from the same stamp set and the silver butterfly was from my stash as were the brown flat-back pearls. 


This is the last card I made….. 


The butterflies were stamped onto a piece of paper towel and then spritzed with my Lindy’s Stamp Gang Flat Fabios in Caribbean Blue, Luscious Lime and Mango Mania.  I also took the other half of the doily I’d already spritzed and used it on the side of this card.  I added some lace that I died using the spritz’s and a lace bow.  I took my texture past and smeared quite a bit of it on the front of the card and then spritzed it as well.  I added some stickles to the wings of the butterflies and then traced around them with my white pen to make them pop.  I distressed the edges of the card with my Distress Tool and then inked them with some Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Broken China.  I added three I Am Roses roses to the front.  These three roses were already inked with the black on the edges of the petals, so I took my spritz’s in the Caribbean Blue and the Mango Mania and gave them a couple of sprays to tie them into the card better.

That’s it for my very long post…….if you’ve stuck around this far, thank you!!!  As always I love to read your comments/feedback.  I’m off the see what else strikes my fancy……till next time!


Yvonne  😉

Even More Exciting NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Good morning my blog friends!!  I’m soooo happy to tell you we have a new Granddaughter!!  My son and his wife had a beautiful baby girl on Thursday, May 10th at 7:23 a.m..  She was 7 lbs, 2 oz. and 18 ” long.  They named her Bailey Ann.  I had the incredible gift of being right there in the delivery room when she was born….honestly, how do you even explain the incredible joy I experienced?!  I feel soooo blessed as I was also there when Bailey’s big brother Owen was born too.  It truly was a beautiful gift.  

She’s only a few hours old here…..Grandma had to go up and get her Bailey fix after work.  The little hat was way too big for her tiny little head, but we had to put it on her anyway…

And this is me and my newest little angel having some of our own bonding time. 

I gotta tell you, being a Grandma is sooo much fun and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!!  Thanks so much for checking in on me today….have a most wonderful day!!


Yvonne 😉










Okay my blog world friends…..I’m back from the trade show…..bought some really cute little kids aprons for when the Grandkids bake with Grandma….and some loose tea, yummy.  I’m back at it here to get caught up….got lots of great and oh so wonderful things happening next week so I want to start off the week all organized and ready to take them on!!  This card was done at my last Stampin’ Up! demo night and we did a very cool technique that I’ve been wanting to try and play with for some time now.  Stamping onto paper with just the acrylic block!  Yup, love the results… check it out!

See how cool it looks!!  We used two different size block and stamped onto the front of our Stampin’ Up! White Confetti paper, overlapping the blocked image a bit with the Crumb Cake ink.  The flower image was colored directly onto the stamp with Taken with Teal marker and Cherry Cobbler.  Give the stamp a huff and stamp ‘er down! The flower stamp is from the Stampin’ Up! Nature Walk set.  Very lovely set and I love the look of the dual colored stamped image.  And I just love the look and feel of the seam binding ribbon….yup!!

A couple of bees (wasps….whatever you want them to be…lol) were also stamped onto the card front in the Soft Suede and their bodies colored in with the So Saffron markers.  The sentiment was added and we were ready to start matting and layering the pieces on!

Some of the ladies used the scallop edged punch for the Cherry Cobbler strip along the side.  I chose to tear it to keep the look and feel of the distressed pieces flowing through the card.  Both looked very nice and it just came down to a personal preference.  Our Stampin’ Up! demo (A.K.A. ‘Cutter’) is a wonderful demo and pretty much lets us play as we put the cards together.  We have a great group of ladies and there’s never a shortage of laughter floating around the table pretty much all the time.  The card base is Crumb Cake, to which a layer of the Taken With Teal was added and then our top stamped piece of White Confetti.  This could make a great masculine card (perhaps minus the bow) with the color combo…..I love it!  I’ll definitely be using the stamped acrylic block technique again!

So, are you still with me… to post another card.  Please, please kick my butt if I ever get this far behind again!!!  lol lol


Yvonne   😉

Live Inspired….Love You….Thank You….Happy Birthday….


We were at the cabin a few weekends ago and I was in a more CAS mood.  I usually like to distress and mess up my cards…..I went with a more of a clean look and not allot on the cards.  I was on a roll and made a few of them (and I thought I’d save you some email space and post all four of them in one post…


How ’bout that little pop of orange??  I used one of my swirl stamps which is from a set that I believe was the Martha Stewart swirls set (but I honestly don’t remember for sure) and stamped onto the bottom of my card base with my versamark stamp pad.  (love that stamp pad!!)  I added the word paper strip which is from a Making Memories paper called Brun Antique Dictionary.  I found this 12 x 12 paper in a pack of 25 of the same two-sided sheets and just fell in love with it!!  This is going to be soooo versatile and I know I’ll use it allot (as you’ll see with these cards….lol).  The cute bird pair is from my Inkadinkado stamp set called You are a True Friend and was colored in with my Tim Holtz Peeled Paint Distress Ink.  I also added another swirl to the printed DP which was stamped in Tim Holtz Dried Marigold Distress ink.  The ‘Live Inspired’ was taken from a portion of a Close To My Heart stamp from the set with the same name and stamped and edged in Rich Cocoa Memento ink.

This card also uses that very cool Making Memories Brun Antique Dictionary paper.  The flowers were made from two different stamp sets – one using a stem and leaf stamps from a set I’ve had forever and don’t even know who it’s made by. The flower is from a new set I just got from Stampin’ Up! called ‘Faith in Nature’.  I LOVE this set and I know I’ll use it allot.  I sponged the flower portions with some Tim Holtz Dried Marigold and Antique Linen Distress ink and also inked the edges of the printed DP with the Dried Marigold and some Rich Cocoa Memento ink.  The sentiment is taken from a portion of a stamp from my Hot Off The Press stamp set called ‘Matching Borders & Focals’.  It was stamped and edged in the Memento Rich Cocoa ink.   The lace strip was attached under and was colored using my Tim Holtz blending tool and my Antique Linen Distress Ink.


This was a quick and fun card to put together.  That pear stamp is a new fave of mine from  my Stampin’ Up! Faith in Nature set.  I stamped it onto a plain piece of cream-colored cardstock and inked it with some Tim Holtz Peeled Paint and Dried Marigold Distress Ink and my sponge daubers.  I didn’t like the look of my plain cardstock so I grabbed one of my wooden skewers that I keep in my tool pouch and stamped it into the Memento Rich Cocoa ink and dotted it onto the paper using the flat end and the pointed end for some depth to the paper.  The sentiment is from the same stamp set and inked in the Memento Rich Cocoa.  It was matted a layered a couple of times and I punched a border in some rusty colored cardstock using my Stampin’ Up! Scallop Trim Border punch.  Added some liquid pearls and Taaa Daaa….lol













Okay, so that’s it for a while.  I’m going to be heading to a trade show this afternoon with one of my DIL’s and then I’ll be back to play.  Have a most wonderful day!  Chao.


Yvonne  😉





From the inside looking out…..


Hello my blog friends…..I have NOT fallen off the face of the earth….really!!  I figured I’d better come on and post a few cards before you all thought I’d forgotten about my blog.  I haven’t!!  Life has just been crazy busy lately. 

Soooo, I was sitting at my computer last night and thinking about the new Grand Madison Window die from Memory Box my mom got.  I had spent some time cutting out a bunch of die cuts for her this weekend in a few different colors……I think she’ll have enough window die cuts to last her for a while now.  lol!!  I was trying to think of an idea to make a card using one of the window dies and thought, I want to try to make one from the perspective of being on the inside looking out. My little brain went into overdrive and I was off!!  I think it turned out pretty darn good!!  Check this out!!

Isn’t this cool?!  I took a piece of white cardstock and cut it down so it would fit into the inside of the window die.  I stamped it with one of the stamps in my Stampin’ Up! Lovely As A Tree set. (I love that stamp set by the way…  Then I took my Tim Holtz Forest Moss Distress ink pad and a Q-Tip and ‘dotted’ on my leaves for the trees using the tip of the Q-Tip.  I also highlighted the stamped areas of the grass and then took the flat side of the Q-Tip and lightly ‘colored’ in the grass with my Tim Holtz Peeled Paint Distress ink pad.  I tore a piece of paper into a rough oval shape and then used my Tim Holtz Broken China Distress ink pad and a sponge to ‘color’ in my sky.  I used the torn piece of paper as a mask and created a couple of clouds…..which you can’t see now because I decided my window needed curtains…..sigh.  Oh well….you’ll have to just trust me that there are a couple of really cute clouds in behind those lace curtains!!!  The flowers that are in the ‘window box’ on the outside of the window were made using my Memory Box Catalina Border die cut.  I had a yellow die cut sitting on my table, so I cut it up and inked the flowers and leaves using a Q-Tip and my Tim Holtz Distress inks.  I pop dotted the window die onto the front and taa daa!!! 

I tried to pick out a patterned paper that would look like wall paper and covered the front of my card with that and then just built my card on the front of it.  The “Be You” sentiment is stamped from my ‘Chairs To You’ set from Close To My Heart. 

This card took me forever to put together it seemed.  I put it together while I was Skyping with my dear friend from Alberta.  Ya gotta love being able to sit and create while spending time with a good friend as well… doesn’t get much better than that!!!

I’m off for the night now…..I have sooo many cards to catch up on and get posted it isn’t funny….really… isn’t!!!  Maybe this weekend??  lol.  Thanks so much for dropping in to take a peek.  I do appreciate it and love it when you leave comments!!


Yvonne  😉

Thanks to a far away friend!!!


A HUGE thank you is being sent out to my very talented friend Lisa (you really HAVE to go check out her blog…..Craftingcottage)  who is on the design team for a local scrapbooking store where she lives.  She’s been using all of these wonderful die cuts on her cards and offered to send me the ones I wanted from the store!!  She sent me some Memory Box dies that I’ve been drooling over for a while now.  Oh my…..LOVE THEM!!!!  I haven’t had a chance to play with them yet, but I can hardly wait to have some time to pull out the Cuttlebug and get to cutting out some amazing cuts for some cards.  She is such an enabler……don’t you  just love that??!!!

Here’s the ones I got:













They’re all from Memory Box and the window die is actually my Mom’s…..I’m suppose to cut some out for myself and send her the die…..or was it cut her some dies to send to her and I’m suppose to keep the die…






It’s soooo good to have friends in high places…..LOL.  Thanks so much Lisa…..YOU ROCK!!!



Yvonne  😉


p.s.  I apologize for the picture quality, but I didn’t feel like dragging out my photo box to take pics of the dies…..I know……..lazy!!!