I spy me some beautiful lace!!!


Hello my blogging friends!!  Another weekend has almost past me by and my plans to spend the weekend in my craft room didn’t exactly work to plan…..but that’s okay cause instead I spent some time with my grandkids which is always an added bonus!!  I did manage to get over to a friends house last night a make a couple of cards.  This one is for Dani’s ‘I Spy’ challenge over on Splitcoaststampers.  We do have allot of fun with these challenges and you really should go and check them out if you haven’t already joined us.   I hadn’t used my Martha Stewart Punch Around the Page punches in a while so I decided to play with them last night.

This is the Deco Fan punch and I really like this one.  I inked the edges of the punched border with some Tim Holtz Distress Ink in Old Paper.  I strung a chocolate brown ribbon through the holes in my lace, added some of my favorite butterflies that I punched using my EK Success layered butterfly punch…..I love this punch!!  Added some bling to the butterflies and some Old Paper distress ink to the edges of the wings and glued ’em down!

Isn’t this rose awesome!! I got them at our local Dollar Store for $1.50 for 6 of them and they come is about 4 or 5 different colors!  This one was an ivory color and I inked the edges of it with my Tim Holtz Old Paper Distress Ink too, added a piece of the chocolate brown ribbon under it and I really like the look of it.  The background paper is black with these beautiful gold glitter embossed hearts and I really wish the gold glitter would show up on my picture! 

Here’s a view of the whole card.  I have a sheet of sentiments that I don’t remember where or who makes them as I tossed the packaging years ago….silly me!  I matted the sentiment in black and then attached it to another Deco Fan border, inked the edges and pop dotted it onto my card.  I attached two more butterflies and ta da!  It’s done!  I love my earth tones.   I stepped outside of my normal color box for my next card…..come check it out!


Yvonne 😉

About mycraftingtherapyroom

My name is Yvonne Gebauer and I'm a cardmaker and have just entered the amazing world of Mixed Media and am LOVING it!. I'm a wife, a mother to two grown boys, and a grandmother to 5 amazingly beautiful grandchildren which I have to say is really all it's cracked up to be and more. I work full time and am really starting to think that work is getting in the way of life!! I have a large crafting room and I'm my happiest when I have a group of friends get together in this room and just have a blast. Every once in a while we actually create something! Or, when I get a chance to have one of my grandchildren over to just let them play and create what they want with what I have in my stash.....which is allot. My craft room is my therapy room of sorts. My place to go and just be......

6 responses »

  1. Ahhhhhh the light comes on! LOL!!! This is beautiful Yvonne! I couldn’t figure out what she was spying for the life of me!!! LOL!!!! You did a fantastic job with this card…. love LOVE it! The lace is such a pretty addition. Great Job on this challenge! Now that you have clued me in, I can make my card! LOL!!

  2. WOW, Yvonne, Holy Moley Guacamole!!! This is gorgeous, I love love love that paper, you might not be able to see the glitter as much as you want, but by heaven you can see the richness and the texture of it. So rich, so elegant, so many details, so much excellence. I love this, the colours are :), the added depth by adding the ink to pieces. You have done good!!!

    • Lol Sophia, I’m going to have to hire you as my very own ego booster!!! Thank you so much for your compliments. It really does mean allot to me. I love this craft and I love it even more when I can share it and inspire others. So thank you for your comments and for joining me on my little card making journey! Welcome to my blog!

      Yvonne 😉

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