Daily Archives: January 5, 2014

Crowns fit for a princess…..


So, once again my crafty friend Sandee Setliff has put out a challenge over on her blog and she wants us to make a princess crown.  Seeing how my nickname on our annual motorcycle trips is indeed Princess, this was going to be right up my alley!!   Included in this challenge is a prize for some Helmar products, oh ya!  So I decided if I was ever going to wear a crown, it would have to be blinged up!!!  You know….the eye blinding kinda bling.  I made two crowns…..one for those special occasions and one that’s more for around the house.  😉

Here’s my ‘wear it around the house’ crown………..




I like to check out the hairband section at our local Dollar Store for the metal looking ones that I can use and cut up for projects.  This was one of those perfect projects!!

Now here’s my fancy, ‘goin’ out for dinner’, totally blinged to the max crown!!





I’m in the process of seeing if I can figure out a way to take them along with me next year on our motorcycles trip…..lol.

Thanks for popping in and seeing what I’ve been up to.  Chao.

