Our first big snow fall and a link to a Smash Book video.


Hello friends…..we’re finally up at the cabin again….I just love it here.  Our youngest son and his family have joined us for this weekend and its sooo good to have family up here with us.  We’ve been getting a dump of snow since yesterday when we were driving up here and it’s still coming down.   There is a fresh blanket of the wonderful white stuff all over everything.  We had a visit from a white tail deer this morning……a beautiful buck that strolled by in front of the cabin.  Of course, I didn’t have my camera handy so I wasn’t able to capture the beauty……oh well…..maybe next time.  :o)  I do have a couple of pics to share with you of our morning up at the cabin with my Grandson having some fun in the snow…..

He loves being outside and was in his glory with all the fresh soft snow!!!  Grandma decided it was time to get her gear on and head out to have some fun too…..

We decided to make a couple of “chairs” in the snow on the deck.  We were tired of shovelling it off and thought it would be a much better idea to just have a seat in it….lol.  By the looks of the snow that’s settled on us, we’d been sitting there for a few minutes already. His Dad had also decided to come join us and it was time to get off the deck and go have some more fun in the backyard…..

First we decided to bury Owen…..he thought it was a great idea!!

Then it was Grandma’s turn to be buried.  We were having so much fun….  🙂

So, here is the other reason for this post…..lol.  I’d been asked by one of my co-workers to make another Smash Book for her daughters friend.  I realized when I went to do this post I’d neglected to take any still pictures of it!!  I did do a YouTube video on it, so run over to the link below to check it out and see what you think.  For whatever reason, there are opening credits and closing credits in it and I can honestly say I have no idea how they got there or how to get rid of them…..lol.  Oh well, just ignore them I guess.  :o)


That’s it for today…..let me know what you think of it…..I love to read the comments.  🙂

Till next time,


Yvonne  😉

About mycraftingtherapyroom

My name is Yvonne Gebauer and I'm a cardmaker and have just entered the amazing world of Mixed Media and am LOVING it!. I'm a wife, a mother to two grown boys, and a grandmother to 5 amazingly beautiful grandchildren which I have to say is really all it's cracked up to be and more. I work full time and am really starting to think that work is getting in the way of life!! I have a large crafting room and I'm my happiest when I have a group of friends get together in this room and just have a blast. Every once in a while we actually create something! Or, when I get a chance to have one of my grandchildren over to just let them play and create what they want with what I have in my stash.....which is allot. My craft room is my therapy room of sorts. My place to go and just be......

10 responses »

  1. The snow look much more enjoyable now that I have heat. . . Lol! Your grandson is the cutest thing, I want to eat those cheeks! So glad he and grama had fun playing in the snow. I watched the video and that is gonna be one happy girl who received the smash book you made! Have a lovely weekend at the cabin.

  2. Wow!!! That’s a lot of snow!!! Looks like you had tons of fun playing with your grandson. He’s precious! I love your video on the Smash Journal. It’s fantastic!!! I love the idea of making your own washi tape. Thanks for sharing!!! ~Sophia

  3. Love the snow pictures Yvonne! I read your bio and I want to see pictures of your craft room, sounds awesome!! So glad I found your blog, I’ve put it into my reader so I can keep up withyou now! Going to go check out your video! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina 🙂

  4. Hi Yvonne. Fantastics photos. Your grandson is a real smasher. You pair must have had so much fun in the snow. Not sure about being buried in it. I bet your toes were cold! LOL! Take care.
    Sending hugs,
    Florence xx

  5. I keep coming back to look at that beautiful grandchild of yours, he is gorgeous and those cheeks!! That smile!! He is the cutest little boy I have seen for a long time, lucky gran!!! Hugs 🙂

  6. Oh WOW hun, how lucky are you, I love snow and I love the countryside, we haven’t had our snow yet in North England but it won’t be long, last January it snowed for 5 weeks good job we had plenty of food in the pantry and a bread maker or we wouldn’t have had any food, as we were snowed in for weeks, lol, hugs hun and I loved looking at your pics, so lovely xxxx hugs, Vick

  7. Pingback: Smash Book Journal | just4crafters

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